Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Smoke's Poutinery

After waiting all winter and most of spring before the place finally opened, we took a family trip on a Saturday night. The place was pretty much empty. We decided to share two large poutines at $9.95 each. The kids got the pig poutine. It had sausage (could really have done without), pulled pork and bacon. It was pretty good, but the curds don't look like they are local. I chose the special of the month poutine which looked nothing like the picture. It was a nacho poutine, basically a regular poutine with guac, salsa, nachos and lettuce. The lettuce was all rusted, gross! I took it all out. Mr S told the cashier and the "cook" offered a small container of more iceberg lettuce. Since I don't digest iceberg lettuce very well, I turned it down. This poutine was not the best, especially after trying the same type at La Banquise.

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